Sunday, July 24, 2005

And Heeeeerrrre we go!

OK, so here's my first attempt at a blog...I'm officially jumping on the blog bandwagon. My biggest concern is being able to maintain it...but I'm making a commitment and I'm going to update at least once a week. Hee Hee...we'll see 'bout that...And here, I'll leave you with something to look at, because this is mostly going to be a blog for pictures/illustrations/other fun stuff.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Cool!

Rick Lovell said...

Great stuff. btw, you don't need a second blog for Illustration Friday, just publish a new post every week for your IF entries, and they will appear as links in a sidebar on your main blog page. When you post your link on IF, you can choose to link just to that week's page, or link to the main page of your blog...the most recent post will appear at the top of the main page of your blog. Not sure if that makes sense, but you'll get it after you've posted a few entries.

Mark McDonnell said...

Great stuff. You would be a wonderful Children's book illustrator. Very fun and soft on the eyes, wonderfully inviting. Thanks for sharing,